Source code for invenio_search.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Search engine API."""

import hashlib
from functools import partial

import six
from elasticsearch import VERSION as ES_VERSION
from elasticsearch_dsl import FacetedSearch, Search
from elasticsearch_dsl.faceted_search import FacetedResponse
from elasticsearch_dsl.query import Bool, Ids
from flask import current_app, request

from .proxies import current_search_client
from .utils import build_alias_name

[docs]class DefaultFilter(object): """Shortcut for defining default filters with query parser.""" def __init__(self, query=None, query_parser=None): """Build filter property with query parser.""" self._query = query self.query_parser = query_parser or (lambda x: x) @property def query(self): """Build lazy query if needed.""" return self._query() if callable(self._query) else self._query def __get__(self, obj, objtype): """Return parsed query.""" return self.query_parser(self.query)
[docs]class MinShouldMatch(str): """Work-around for Elasticsearch DSL problem. The ElasticSearch DSL Bool query tries to inspect the ``minimum_should_match`` parameter, but understands only integers and not queries like "0<1". This class circumvents the specific problematic clause in Elasticsearch DSL. """ def __lt__(self, other): """Circumvent problematic Elasticsearch DSL clause.""" return False def __le__(self, other): """Circumvent problematic Elasticsearch DSL clause.""" return False def __gt__(self, other): """Circumvent problematic Elasticsearch DSL clause.""" return False def __ge__(self, other): """Circumvent problematic Elasticsearch DSL clause.""" return False
[docs]class BaseRecordsSearch(Search): """Example subclass for searching records using Elastic DSL."""
[docs] class Meta: """Configuration for ``Search`` and ``FacetedSearch`` classes.""" index = '*' doc_types = None fields = ('*', ) facets = {} default_filter = None """Default filter added to search body. Example: ``default_filter = DefaultFilter('_access.owner:"1"')``. """
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Use Meta to set kwargs defaults.""" kwargs.setdefault('index', getattr(self.Meta, 'index', None)) kwargs.setdefault('doc_type', getattr(self.Meta, 'doc_types', None)) kwargs.setdefault('using', current_search_client) kwargs.setdefault('extra', {}) min_score = current_app.config.get('SEARCH_RESULTS_MIN_SCORE') if min_score: kwargs['extra'].update(min_score=min_score) super(BaseRecordsSearch, self).__init__(**kwargs) default_filter = getattr(self.Meta, 'default_filter', None) if default_filter: # NOTE: self.query = Bool(minimum_should_match=MinShouldMatch("0<1"), filter=default_filter)
[docs] def get_record(self, id_): """Return a record by its identifier. :param id_: The record identifier. :returns: The record. """ return self.query(Ids(values=[str(id_)]))
[docs] def get_records(self, ids): """Return records by their identifiers. :param ids: A list of record identifier. :returns: A list of records. """ return self.query(Ids(values=[str(id_) for id_ in ids]))
[docs] def with_preference_param(self): """Add the preference param to the ES request and return a new Search. The preference param avoids the bouncing effect with multiple replicas, documented on ES documentation. See: /_search_options.html#_preference for more information. """ user_hash = self._get_user_hash() if user_hash: return self.params(preference=user_hash) return self
def _get_user_agent(self): """Retrieve the request's User-Agent, if available. Taken from Flask Login """ user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent') if user_agent: user_agent = user_agent.encode('utf-8') return user_agent or '' def _get_user_hash(self): """Calculate a digest based on request's User-Agent and IP address.""" if request: user_hash = '{ip}-{ua}'.format(ip=request.remote_addr, ua=self._get_user_agent()) alg = hashlib.md5() alg.update(user_hash.encode('utf8')) return alg.hexdigest() return None
[docs]class PrefixedIndexList(list): """Custom list type for avoiding double prefixing.""" pass
[docs]class PrefixedSearchMixin: """Mixing to use index prefixing."""
[docs] def prefix_index(self, index): """Using PrefixedIndexList type to avoid double prefixing.""" # at object instantiation, kwargs['index'] is not defined. # Elasticsearch-dsl-py re-instantiated the object at each search # by cloning it and passing as kwargs the list of indices # kwargs['index'] = ['index-name1', 'index-name2'] _index_param = index if not isinstance(index, PrefixedIndexList): if isinstance(index, (tuple, list)): _prefixed_index_list = [ build_alias_name(_index) for _index in index ] index = _prefixed_index_list elif isinstance(index, six.string_types): _splitted_index = index.strip().split(',') if len(_splitted_index) > 1: _prefix_index_list = [ build_alias_name(_index) for _index in _splitted_index] index = ','.join(_prefix_index_list) else: index = build_alias_name(index) _index_param = [_index_param] self._original_index = _index_param return index
def _clone(self): """Clone `_original_index` attribute. During re-instantiation Elasticsearch-dsl-py calls `self._clone` to copy over the search object. We override the method so we can copy the `_original_index` attribute. """ s = super(PrefixedSearchMixin, self)._clone() s._original_index = self._original_index return s
[docs]class BaseRecordsSearchV2(Search): """Base records search V2.""" def __init__(self, fields=('*', ), default_filter=None, **kwargs): """Sets the needed args in kwargs for the search.""" kwargs.setdefault('index', '*') kwargs.setdefault('doc_type', None) kwargs.setdefault('using', current_search_client) kwargs.setdefault('extra', {}) min_score = current_app.config.get('SEARCH_RESULTS_MIN_SCORE') if min_score: kwargs['extra'].update(min_score=min_score) super(BaseRecordsSearchV2, self).__init__(**kwargs) if default_filter: # NOTE: self.query = Bool(minimum_should_match=MinShouldMatch("0<1"), filter=default_filter)
[docs] def get_record(self, id_): """Return a record by its identifier. :param id_: The record identifier. :returns: The record. """ return self.query(Ids(values=[str(id_)]))
[docs] def get_records(self, ids): """Return records by their identifiers. :param ids: A list of record identifier. :returns: A list of records. """ return self.query(Ids(values=[str(id_) for id_ in ids]))
[docs] def with_preference_param(self, preference): """Add the preference param to the ES request and return a new Search. The preference param avoids the bouncing effect with multiple replicas, documented on ES documentation. See: /_search_options.html#_preference for more information. :param preference: A function that returns the preference value. """ return self.params(preference=preference)
[docs]class RecordsSearch(PrefixedSearchMixin, BaseRecordsSearch): """Prefixed record search class.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor.""" _index = self.prefix_index( index=kwargs.get('index', getattr(self.Meta, 'index', None)) ) kwargs.update({'index': _index}) super(RecordsSearch, self).__init__(**kwargs) if self._index: self._index = PrefixedIndexList(self._index)
[docs]class RecordsSearchV2(PrefixedSearchMixin, BaseRecordsSearchV2): """Prefixed record search class.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor.""" _index = self.prefix_index( index=kwargs.get('index', '*') ) kwargs.update({'index': _index}) super(RecordsSearchV2, self).__init__(**kwargs) if self._index: self._index = PrefixedIndexList(self._index)
UnPrefixedRecordsSearch = BaseRecordsSearch UnPrefixedRecordsSearchV2 = BaseRecordsSearchV2